Facebook Account Deactivated Friends
Facebook Account Deactivated Friends > http://tinyurl.com/mzzqgmg
Facebook Account Deactivated Friends
Fri, 08/17/2012 - 11:41am #17 Patricia Barker Wax (not verified) Re: Facebook: Deactivated or Blocked? i was busy checking the settings and did not want to open,its now more then 8 months that i cant login,please help Jump to Top reply quote . Fri, 07/27/2012 - 3:46pm #19 Hubby insert witty description here I am a Grown Up Geek Blocked on facebook friend still showing are you sure you blocked him? . Don't worry, everything is still here. On my friend's list it's says it is there, but i can't see him. 3Look for "Blocked" on the next window. Sat, 03/02/2013 - 11:21am #8 Anonymous Visitor (not verified) Re: Facebook: Deactivated or Blocked? I have a question: so im on facebook and i look at my friends profile quiet alot. Wed, 05/01/2013 - 1:42pm #7 Anonymous Visitor (not verified) Re: Facebook: Deactivated or Blocked? What does the FaceBook message "sorry this page isn't available" (with the thumb image) mean? Has the account been deleted? Jump to Top reply quote .
The first friend I went to high school with and I had e-mail for her, so I wrote and told her what happened and she wrote back and told me I was still on her friends list and she had no idea what had happened. Again, note that with this method, you run the risk, however small, of opening your friend's account up to disciplinary action from Facbook, so use it only as a last resort. I don't understand why they would add me yesterday then block me today. If you don't have any conversations with this friend, you won't be able to report your conversation, so you're better off with another method. There's no reason to be rude and an ass unless you are inferior. Sat, 03/02/2013 - 12:57pm #9 I see stupid people (not verified) Re: Facebook: Deactivated or Blocked? 1): No 2): Why don't you just ask her? Jump to Top reply quote . We've just combined forces with The Mary Sue to bring you more and better content, all in one place. Deactivating one's account means that their account will come back as normal next time they log in. Tue, 10/09/2012 - 3:14am #29 Sassy (not verified) Re: Facebook: Deactivated or Blocked? I had the same message for a friend who just added me yesterday. If you would like your account permanently deleted with no option for recovery, please contact us.
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